- 03.2017Event // Summary of Significant Legislation from 2016
- 02.22.2017Presentation // Conflicts of Interest and Advanced Ethics Training
- 02.2017Event // Tribal Cultural Resources and CEQA (Assembly Bill 52)
- 02.02.2017Event // Conflicts of Interest and Advanced Ethics Training
- 01.2017Event // Summary of Significant Legislation from 2016
- 12.2016Event // AB52 Tribal Consultation Update
- 10.10.2016Event // Connecting the Dots: Strategies for Making Findings
- 2016Event // The California Voting Rights Act and Imposed District Elections
- 2016Event // Community Choice Aggregation - Can a County Really Create Its Own Power Company
- 06.2016Event // Tribes and CEQA: New Rules for Tribal Consultation Under AB52
- 06.10.2016Event // 2016 California Public Records & Open Meetings Conference - Open Meeting Remedies
- 02.2016Event // Summary of Significant Legislation from 2015
- 10.22.2015Event // EIFDs: Tax Increments of a Different Ilk
- 10.20.2015Event // Records Retention and Management
- 10.2015Event // AB52 Tribal Consultation Roundtable
- 10.2015Event // Recent Developments in ED Case Law
- 2015Event // Local Initiatives and Referenda: Key Considerations for City Attorneys
- 2015Event // Tips for Effective Lawyering
- 07.07.2015Presentation // New Developments in Affordable Housing Law: Reconciling State and Local Interests
- 06.2015Event // Tribal Cultural Resources and CEQA (Assembly Bill 52)
- 06.2015Event // Exactions and Dedications
- 05.2015Event // Groundwater Issues in a Drought Era: The Paso Robles Experience
- 05.2015Event // Eleventh Annual Federal Court Boot Camp Conference, San Francisco, CA
- Winter 2015Event // Federal Communications Commission Report and Order Further Limiting Local Regulation of Wireless Facilities
- 02.2015Event // Summary of Significant Legislation from 2014
- 01.2015Event // AB52 Tribal Consultation
- 12.10.2014Event // AB52 New Tribal Consultation Requirements
- 11.2014Event // Administrative Writs of Mandamus Seminar, Pincus Professional Education, Sacramento, CA
- 10.10.2014Event // Pension and OPEB Reform
- 02.2014Event // Regulating Homeless Encampments in the Bay Area: Pitfalls and Solutions, Contra Costa County City Attorney’s Association, Walnut Creek, CA
- 01.2014Event // Legal Hold Obligations
- 09.26.2013Event // Direct Lending
- 10.2012Event // Legal Developments Impacting the Right of Way Profession
- 03.07.2012Event // Meeting Bond Obligations
- 09.15.2011Event // Municipal Financing of Distributed Solar PV Systems
- 03.03.2011Event // PACE Residential: FHFA and the Lawsuits
- 03.03.2011Event // Legislative Fixes for Congressional Action
- 11.2010Event // Dissecting the Litigation Appraisal
- 10.06.2010Event // Municipal Disclosure: Making it Pay for Issuers
- 2010Event // Dealing with Disruptions at Public Meetings
- 2010Event // Trials and Tribulations of a Partial Acquisition
- 2010Event // Practical Applications in Eminent Domain
- 11.19.2009Event // Public Financing of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements on Private Property
- 11.16.2009Event // Jumping the Legislative Hurdles
- 10.09.2009Event // AB 811 Contractual Assessments
- 09.15.2009Event // Government Financing for Private Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Improvements
- 2009Event // Influencing the Political Process: Legal Issues Associated with Advocacy by Government Officials
- 2009Event // Transparency in Public and Quasi-Public Organizations
- 06.12.2009Event // Preparing for Bond Takeout!
- 02.2009Event // Planning Commissioners Training
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