Webinar: Sexual Harassment Prevention for Non-Supervisors
Rebecca Green will present this webinar for the California Special Districts Association.
Under Senate Bill 1343, passed in 2018, California employers with five or more employees must provide at least 1 hour of training and education regarding sexual harassment, abusive conduct and harassment based on gender to all employees within 6 months of their assuming their role, and every 2 years after. SB 1343 also includes temporary and seasonal employees, who must be trained within 30 days of their hiring or 100 hours worked, whichever is first. This training must be consistent with what is provided to other employees. The requirement for seasonal and temporary workers began on January 1, 2020. This training, via webinar, will satisfy SB 1343 requirements. The webinar is interactive, allowing attendees to ask questions.
For more information and to register, visit the CSDA website.